
October 7 + 9, 2024

Jo Hardin

Agenda 10/7/24

  1. Review: logic of SE
  2. Logic of bootstrapping (resample from the sample with replacement)
  3. BS SE of a statistic

Why bootstrap?


to estimate the variability and distribution of a statistic in repeated samples of size \(n\) (not dependent on \(H_0\) being true).


  • standard deviation of the data: \(s = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n(X_i - \overline{X})^2}{n-1}}\)

  • standard error of the statistic: depends…

Intuitive understanding

See in the applets for an intuitive understanding of both confidence intervals and boostrapping:

Basic Notation

(n.b., we don’t ever do what is on this slide)

Let \(\theta\) be the parameter of interest, and let \(\hat{\theta}\) be the estimate of \(\theta\). If we could, we’d take many samples of size \(n\) from the population to create a sampling distribution for \(\hat{\theta}\). Consider taking \(B\) random samples from the population.

\[\begin{align} \hat{\theta}(\cdot) = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{i=1}^B \hat{\theta}_i \end{align}\] is the best guess for \(\theta\). If \(\hat{\theta}\) is very different from \(\theta\), we would call it biased. \[\begin{align} SE(\hat{\theta}) &= \bigg[ \frac{1}{B-1} \sum_{i=1}^B(\hat{\theta}_i - \hat{\theta}(\cdot))^2 \bigg]^{1/2}\\ q_1 &= [0.25 B] \ \ \ \ \hat{\theta}^{(q_1)} = \mbox{25}\% \mbox{ cutoff}\\ q_3 &= [0.75 B] \ \ \ \ \hat{\theta}^{(q_3)} = \mbox{75}\% \mbox{ cutoff}\\ \end{align}\]


(we never do part (a))

From Hesterberg et al., Chapter 16 of Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe, and Craig

Bootstrap Procedure

  1. Resample data with replacement from the original sample.
  2. Calculate the statistic of interest for each resample.
  3. Repeat 1. and 2. \(B\) times.
  4. Use the bootstrap distribution for inference.

Bootstrap Notation

(n.b., bootstrapping is the process on this slide)

Take many ( \(B\) ) resamples of size \(n\) from the sample to create a bootstrap distribution for \(\hat{\theta}^*\) (instead of the sampling distribution for \(\hat{\theta}\)).

Let \(\hat{\theta}^*(b)\) be the calculated statistic of interest for the \(b^{th}\) bootstrap sample. The best guess for \(\theta\) is: \[\begin{align} \hat{\theta}^* = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{b=1}^B \hat{\theta}^*(b) \end{align}\] (if \(\hat{\theta}^*\) is very different from \(\hat{\theta}\), we call it biased.) And the estimated value for the standard error of the estimate is \[\begin{align} \hat{SE}^* = \bigg[ \frac{1}{B-1} \sum_{b=1}^B ( \hat{\theta}^*(b) - \hat{\theta}^*)^2 \bigg]^{1/2} \end{align}\]

What do we get?

Just like repeatedly taking samples from the population, taking resamples from the sample allows us to characterize the bootstrap distribution which approximates the sampling distribution.

The bootstrap distribution approximates the shape, spread, & bias of the true sampling distribution.

From Hesterberg et al., Chapter 16 of Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe, and Craig. The left image represents the mean with n=50. The center image represents the mean with n=9. The right image represents the median with n=15.

From Hesterberg et al., Chapter 16 of Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe, and Craig. The left image represents the mean with n=50. The center image represents the mean with n=9. The right image represents the median with n=15.

From Hesterberg et al., Chapter 16 of Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore, McCabe, and Craig. The left image represents the mean with n=50. The center image represents the mean with n=9. The right image represents the median with n=15.


  • Everitt and Rabe-Hesketh (2006) report on a study by Caplehorn and Bell (1991) that investigated the time (days) spent in a clinic for methadone maintenance treatment for people addicted to heroin.

  • The data include the amount of time that the subjects stayed in the facility until treatment was terminated.

  • For about 37% of the subjects, the study ended while they were still the in clinic (status=0).

  • Their survival time has been truncated. For this reason we might not want to estimate the mean survival time, but rather some other measure of typical survival time. Below we explore using the median as well as the 25% trimmed mean. (From Chance and Rossman (2018), Investigation 4.5.3)

The data

# A tibble: 238 × 5
      id clinic status times  dose
   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     1      1      1   428    50
 2     2      1      1   275    55
 3     3      1      1   262    55
 4     4      1      1   183    30
 5     5      1      1   259    65
 6     6      1      1   714    55
 7     7      1      1   438    65
 8     8      1      0   796    60
 9     9      1      1   892    50
10    10      1      1   393    65
# ℹ 228 more rows

Observed Test Statistic(s)

heroin |>
  summarize(obs_med = median(times), 
            obs_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  obs_med obs_tr_mean
    <dbl>       <dbl>
1    368.        378.

Bootstrapped data!


heroin |> 
  sample_frac(size=1, replace=TRUE) |>
  summarize(boot_med = median(times), 
            boot_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  boot_med boot_tr_mean
     <dbl>        <dbl>
1      368         372.

Bootstrapping with map().

n_rep1 <- 100
n_rep2 <- 20
boot_stat_func <- function(df){ 
    df |> 
    mutate(obs_med = median(times),
           obs_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25)) |>
    sample_frac(size=1, replace=TRUE) |>
    summarize(boot_med = median(times), 
              boot_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25),
              obs_med = mean(obs_med),
              obs_tr_mean = mean(obs_tr_mean))}
boot_1_func <- function(df){
  df |> 
    sample_frac(size=1, replace=TRUE)
map(1:n_rep1, ~boot_stat_func(df = heroin)) |> 
# A tibble: 100 × 4
   boot_med boot_tr_mean obs_med obs_tr_mean
      <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>       <dbl>
 1     368          372.    368.        378.
 2     358          363.    368.        378.
 3     431          421.    368.        378.
 4     332.         350.    368.        378.
 5     310.         331.    368.        378.
 6     376          382.    368.        378.
 7     366          365.    368.        378.
 8     378.         382.    368.        378.
 9     394          386.    368.        378.
10     392.         402.    368.        378.
# ℹ 90 more rows

Data distributions

Sampling distributions

Both the median and the trimmed mean are reasonably symmetric and bell-shaped.

Agenda 10/16/24

  1. Logic of CI
  2. Normal CI using BS SE
  3. Bootstrap-t (studentized) CIs
  4. Percentile CIs
  5. properties / advantages / disadvantages

Technical derivations

See in class notes on bootstrapping for the technical details on how to create different bootstrap intervals.

Bootstrapping with map

n_rep1 <- 100
boot_stat_func <- function(df){ 
    df |> 
    mutate(obs_med = median(times),
           obs_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25)) |>
    sample_frac(size=1, replace=TRUE) |>
    summarize(boot_med = median(times), 
              boot_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25),
              obs_med = mean(obs_med),
              obs_tr_mean = mean(obs_tr_mean))}
boot_stats <- map(1:n_rep1, ~boot_stat_func(df = heroin)) |> 

# A tibble: 100 × 4
   boot_med boot_tr_mean obs_med obs_tr_mean
      <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>       <dbl>
 1     368          372.    368.        378.
 2     358          363.    368.        378.
 3     431          421.    368.        378.
 4     332.         350.    368.        378.
 5     310.         331.    368.        378.
 6     376          382.    368.        378.
 7     366          365.    368.        378.
 8     378.         382.    368.        378.
 9     394          386.    368.        378.
10     392.         402.    368.        378.
# ℹ 90 more rows

95% normal CI with BS SE

boot_stats |>
  summarize(low_med = mean(obs_med) + qnorm(0.025) * sd(boot_med), 
         up_med = mean(obs_med) + qnorm(0.975) * sd(boot_med),
         low_tr_mean = mean(obs_tr_mean) + qnorm(0.025) * sd(boot_tr_mean), 
         up_tr_mean = mean(obs_tr_mean) + qnorm(0.975) * sd(boot_tr_mean))
# A tibble: 1 × 4
  low_med up_med low_tr_mean up_tr_mean
    <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
1    310.   425.        337.       420.

95% Percentile CI

boot_stats |>
  summarize(perc_CI_med = quantile(boot_med, c(0.025, 0.975)), 
            perc_CI_tr_mean = quantile(boot_tr_mean, c(0.025, 0.975)), 
            q = c(0.025, 0.975))
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  perc_CI_med perc_CI_tr_mean     q
        <dbl>           <dbl> <dbl>
1        321             335. 0.025
2        435.            420. 0.975

Double bootstrapping with map

n_rep1 <- 100
n_rep2 <- 20
boot_stat_func <- function(df){ 
    df |> 
    mutate(obs_med = median(times),
           obs_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25)) |>
    sample_frac(size=1, replace=TRUE) |>
    summarize(boot_med = median(times), 
              boot_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25),
              obs_med = mean(obs_med),
              obs_tr_mean = mean(obs_tr_mean))}
boot_1_func <- function(df){
  df |> 
    sample_frac(size=1, replace=TRUE)
boot_2_func <- function(df, reps){
  resample2 <- 1:reps
  df |>
    summarize(boot_med = median(times), boot_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25)) |>
    cbind(resample2, map(resample2, ~df |> 
            sample_frac(size=1, replace=TRUE) |>
            summarize(boot_2_med = median(times), 
                       boot_2_tr_mean = mean(times, trim = 0.25))) |>
                list_rbind()) |> 
    select(resample2, everything())
boot_2_stats <- data.frame(resample1 = 1:n_rep1) |>
  mutate(first_boot = map(1:n_rep1, ~boot_1_func(df = heroin))) |>
  mutate(second_boot = map(first_boot, boot_2_func, reps = n_rep2)) 

Summarizing the double bootstrap

boot_2_stats |>
  unnest(second_boot) |>
# A tibble: 476,000 × 12
   resample1    id clinic status times prison  dose resample2 boot_med
       <int> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>     <int>    <dbl>
 1         1   257      1      1   204      0    50         1      368
 2         1   230      1      0    28      0    50         1      368
 3         1   229      1      1   216      0    50         1      368
 4         1   186      2      0   683      0   100         1      368
 5         1   119      2      0   684      0    65         1      368
 6         1    73      1      0   405      0    80         1      368
 7         1    41      1      1   550      1    60         1      368
 8         1    75      1      0   905      0    80         1      368
 9         1    68      1      0   439      0    80         1      368
10         1   224      1      1   546      1    50         1      368
# ℹ 475,990 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: boot_tr_mean <dbl>, boot_2_med <dbl>,
#   boot_2_tr_mean <dbl>
boot_2_stats |>
  unnest(second_boot) |>
  unnest(first_boot) |>
  filter(resample1 == 1) 
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  skim_variable  numeric.mean numeric.p50
  <chr>                 <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>
1 boot_med               368         0          368 
2 boot_tr_mean           372.        0          372.
3 boot_2_med             365.       32.5        367.
4 boot_2_tr_mean         368.       21.5        367.
boot_t_stats <- boot_2_stats |>
  unnest(second_boot) |>
  unnest(first_boot) |>
  group_by(resample1) |>
  summarize(boot_sd_med = sd(boot_2_med),
            boot_sd_tr_mean = sd(boot_2_tr_mean),
            boot_med = mean(boot_med),  # doesn't do anything, just copies over
            boot_tr_mean = mean(boot_tr_mean))  |> # the variables into the output
  mutate(boot_t_med = (boot_med - mean(boot_med)) / boot_sd_med,
            boot_t_tr_mean = (boot_tr_mean - mean(boot_tr_mean)) / boot_sd_tr_mean)

# A tibble: 100 × 7
   resample1 boot_sd_med boot_sd_tr_mean boot_med boot_tr_mean boot_t_med
       <int>       <dbl>           <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>      <dbl>
 1         1        32.5            21.5     368          372.     -0.154
 2         2        24.2            18.8     358          363.     -0.619
 3         3        32.0            21.1     431          421.      1.81 
 4         4        49.1            34.0     332.         350.     -0.845
 5         5        22.7            13.4     310.         331.     -2.75 
 6         6        20.3            19.9     376          382.      0.148
 7         7        35.3            22.1     366          365.     -0.198
 8         8        15.0            16.4     378.         382.      0.367
 9         9        27.6            20.9     394          386.      0.761
10        10        38.5            19.6     392.         402.      0.481
# ℹ 90 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: boot_t_tr_mean <dbl>

95% Bootstrap-t CI

Note that the t-value is needed (which requires a different SE for each bootstrap sample).

boot_t_stats |>
  select(boot_t_med, boot_t_tr_mean)
# A tibble: 100 × 2
   boot_t_med boot_t_tr_mean
        <dbl>          <dbl>
 1     -0.154         -0.249
 2     -0.619         -0.790
 3      1.81           2.04 
 4     -0.845         -0.824
 5     -2.75          -3.50 
 6      0.148          0.235
 7     -0.198         -0.570
 8      0.367          0.261
 9      0.761          0.406
10      0.481          1.26 
# ℹ 90 more rows
boot_q <- boot_t_stats |>
  select(boot_t_med, boot_t_tr_mean) |>
  summarize(q_t_med = quantile(boot_t_med, c(0.025, 0.975)), 
            q_t_tr_mean = quantile(boot_t_tr_mean, c(0.025, 0.975)),
            q = c(0.025, 0.975))

# A tibble: 2 × 3
  q_t_med q_t_tr_mean     q
    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
1   -2.17       -2.20 0.025
2    1.78        2.06 0.975
boot_q_med <- boot_q |> select(q_t_med) |> pull()
     2.5%     97.5% 
-2.170931  1.782708 
boot_q_tr_mean <- boot_q |> select(q_t_tr_mean) |> pull()
     2.5%     97.5% 
-2.204115  2.059893 
boot_t_stats |>
  summarize(boot_t_CI_med = mean(boot_med) + 
            boot_t_CI_tr_mean = mean(boot_tr_mean) + 
                                  boot_q_tr_mean * sd(boot_tr_mean),
            q = c(0.025, 0.975))
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  boot_t_CI_med boot_t_CI_tr_mean     q
          <dbl>             <dbl> <dbl>
1          309.              331. 0.025
2          425.              421. 0.975

Comparison of intervals

The first three columns correspond to the CIs for the true median of the survival times. The second three columns correspond to the CIs for the true trimmed mean of the survival times.

CI Lower Obs Med Upper Lower Obs Tr Mean Upper
Percentile 321 367.50 434.58 334.86 378.30 419.77
w BS SE 309.99 367.50 425.01 336.87 378.30 419.73
BS-t 309.30 367.50 425.31 331.03 378.30 421.17

(Can’t know what the Truth is…)

What makes a confidence interval procedure good?

  1. That it captures the true parameter in \(1-\alpha \cdot\) 100% of the datasets.

  2. That it produces narrow intervals.

What else about intervals?

CI | Symmetric | Range Resp | Trans Resp | Accuracy | Normal Samp Dist? | Other |

|:–: |:: |:-: |:-: |:–: |:–: | | | Boot SE | Yes | No | No | \(1^{st}\) order | Yes | param assump \(F(\hat{\theta})\) | | Boot-t | No | No | No | \(2^{nd}\) order | Yes/No | computer intensive | | perc | No | Yes | Yes | \(1^{st}\) order | No | small \(n \rightarrow\) low accuracy | | BCa | No | Yes | Yes | \(2^{nd}\) order | No | limited param assump |

Caplehorn, JR, and J Bell. 1991. “Methadone Dosage and Retention of Patients in Maintenance Treatment.” The Medical Journal of Australia 154 (3): 195–99.
Chance, Beth, and Allan Rossman. 2018. Investigating Statistics, Concepts, Applications, and Methods. 3rd ed.
Everitt, Brian S., and Sophia Rabe-Hesketh. 2006. Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using Stata. Chapman & Hall.