Permutation Tests

September 30 + October 2, 2024

Jo Hardin

Agenda 9/30/24

  1. Review: logic of hypothesis testing
  2. Logic of permutation tests
  3. Examples - 2 samples and beyond

Statistics Without the Agonizing Pain

John Rauser of Pintrest (now Amazon), speaking at Strata + Hadoop 2014.

Logic of hypothesis tests

  1. Choose a statistic that measures the effect

  2. Construct the sampling distribution under \(H_0\)

  3. Locate the observed statistic in the null sampling distribution

  4. p-value is the probability of the observed data or more extreme if the null hypothesis is true

Logic of permutation tests

  1. Choose a test statistic

  2. Shuffle the data (force the null hypothesis to be true)

  3. Create a null sampling distribution of the test statistic (under \(H_0\))

  4. Find the observed test statistic on the null sampling distribution and compute the p-value (observed data or more extreme). The p-value can be one or two-sided.

Consider the NHANES dataset.

  • Income
    • (HHIncomeMid - Numerical version of HHIncome derived from the middle income in each category)
  • Health
    • (HealthGen - Self-reported rating of participant’s health in general Reported for participants aged 12 years or older. One of Excellent, Vgood, Good, Fair, or Poor.)

Summary of the variables of interest

NHANES  |> select(HealthGen)  |> table()
Excellent     Vgood      Good      Fair      Poor 
      878      2508      2956      1010       187 
NHANES  |> select(HHIncomeMid)  |> summary()
 Min.   :  2500  
 1st Qu.: 30000  
 Median : 50000  
 Mean   : 57206  
 3rd Qu.: 87500  
 Max.   :100000  
 NA's   :811     

Mean Income broken down by Health

NH.means <- NHANES  |> 
  filter(! & !  |> 
  group_by(HealthGen)  |> 
  summarize(IncMean = mean(HHIncomeMid), count=n())
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  HealthGen IncMean count
  <fct>       <dbl> <int>
1 Excellent  69354.   817
2 Vgood      65011.  2342
3 Good       55662.  2744
4 Fair       44194.   899
5 Poor       37027.   164

Are the differences in means simply due to random chance??

Income and Health

NHANES  |> filter(! !  |> 
ggplot(aes(x=HealthGen, y=HHIncomeMid)) + geom_boxplot()

Differences in Income ($)

           Excellent      Vgood      Good      Fair      Poor
Excellent      0.000   4343.671  13691.99 25160.797 32326.906
Vgood      -4343.671      0.000   9348.32 20817.126 27983.236
Good      -13691.991  -9348.320      0.00 11468.806 18634.915
Fair      -25160.797 -20817.126 -11468.81     0.000  7166.109
Poor      -32326.906 -27983.236 -18634.92 -7166.109     0.000

Overall difference

We can measure the overall differences as the amount of variability between each of the means and the overall mean:

\[F = \frac{\text{between-group variability}}{\text{within-group variability}}\] \[F = \frac{\sum_i n_i(\overline{X}_{i\cdot} - \overline{X})^2/(K-1)}{\sum_{ij} (X_{ij}-\overline{X}_{i\cdot})^2/(N-K)}\] \[SumSqBtwn = \sum_i n_i(\overline{X}_{i\cdot} - \overline{X})^2\]

Creating a test statistic

NHANES  |> select(HHIncomeMid, HealthGen)  |> 
  filter(! !
# A tibble: 6,966 × 2
   HHIncomeMid HealthGen
         <int> <fct>    
 1       30000 Good     
 2       30000 Good     
 3       30000 Good     
 4       40000 Good     
 5       87500 Vgood    
 6       87500 Vgood    
 7       87500 Vgood    
 8       30000 Vgood    
 9      100000 Vgood    
10       70000 Fair     
# ℹ 6,956 more rows

Creating a test statistic

GM <- NHANES  |> summarize(mean(HHIncomeMid, na.rm=TRUE))  |> pull()
[1] 57206.17
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  HealthGen IncMean count
  <fct>       <dbl> <int>
1 Excellent  69354.   817
2 Vgood      65011.  2342
3 Good       55662.  2744
4 Fair       44194.   899
5 Poor       37027.   164

Creating a test statistic

NH.means  |> select(IncMean)  |> pull() - GM
[1]  12148.175   7804.504  -1543.816 -13012.622 -20178.731
(NH.means  |> select(IncMean)  |> pull() - GM)^2
[1] 147578150  60910286   2383368 169328332 407181201
NH.means  |> select(count)  |> pull()
[1]  817 2342 2744  899  164
NH.means  |> select(count)  |> pull() * 
  (NH.means  |> select(IncMean)  |> pull() - GM)^2
[1] 120571348234 142651889943   6539963000 152226170649  66777716928

Creating a test statistic

\[SumSqBtwn = \sum_i n_i(\overline{X}_{i\cdot} - \overline{X})^2\]

sum(NH.means  |> select(count)  |> pull() * 
      (NH.means  |> select(IncMean)  |> pull() - GM)^2)
[1] 488767088754

Permuting the data

  filter(! !  |>
  mutate(IncomePerm = sample(HHIncomeMid, replace=FALSE))  |>
  select(HealthGen, HHIncomeMid, IncomePerm) 
# A tibble: 6,966 × 3
   HealthGen HHIncomeMid IncomePerm
   <fct>           <int>      <int>
 1 Good            30000      60000
 2 Good            30000      40000
 3 Good            30000      50000
 4 Good            40000      17500
 5 Vgood           87500     100000
 6 Vgood           87500      22500
 7 Vgood           87500      50000
 8 Vgood           30000      30000
 9 Vgood          100000      40000
10 Fair            70000      50000
# ℹ 6,956 more rows

Permuting the data & a new test statistic

  filter(! !  |>
  mutate(IncomePerm = sample(HHIncomeMid, replace=FALSE))  |>
  group_by(HealthGen)  |> 
  summarize(IncMeanP = mean(IncomePerm), count=n())  |>
  summarize(teststat = sum(count*(IncMeanP - GM)^2))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 17017817836.

Lots of times…

reps <- 1000

SSB_perm_func <- function(.x){
  NHANES  |> 
        filter(! !  |>
        mutate(IncomePerm = sample(HHIncomeMid, replace=FALSE))  |>
        group_by(HealthGen)  |> 
        summarize(IncMeanP = mean(IncomePerm), count=n())  |>
        summarize(teststat = sum(count*(IncMeanP - GM)^2)) 

SSB_perm_val <- map(1:reps, SSB_perm_func) |> 

# A tibble: 1,000 × 1
 1 16393556429.
 2 18523927570.
 3 16366010480.
 4 18302578935.
 5 20660912717.
 6 13658449479.
 7 18942952877.
 8 13337031236.
 9 15101614595.
10 14340521584.
# ℹ 990 more rows

Compared to the real data

SSB_obs <- NHANES  |>
  filter(! & !  |> 
  group_by(HealthGen)  |> 
  summarize(IncMean = mean(HHIncomeMid), count=n())  |>
  summarize(obs_teststat = sum(count*(IncMean - GM)^2)) 

# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 488767088754.
sum(SSB_perm_val  |> pull() > SSB_obs  |> pull() ) / reps
[1] 0

Compared to the observed test statistic

Agenda 10/2/24

  1. Conditions, exchangeability, random structure
  2. Different structures and statistics


If the null hypothesis is true, the labels assigning groups are interchangeable with respect to the probability distribution.

typically (with the two group setting),

\[H_0: F_1(x) = F_2(x)\]

(there are no distributional or parametric conditions)


More generally, we might use the following exchangeability definition

Data are exchangeable under the null hypothesis if the joint distribution from which the data came is the same before permutation as after permutation when the null hypothesis is true.

Probability as measured by what?

  • Random Sample The concept of a p-value usually comes from the idea of taking a sample from a population and comparing it to a sampling distribution (from many many random samples).

  • Randomized Experiment The p-value represents the observed data compared to the treatment variable being allocated to the groups “by chance.”

Permuting independent observations

Consider a “family” structure where some individuals are exposed and others are not (control).

Permuting homogenous cluster

Consider a “family” structure where individuals in a cluster always have the same treatment.

Permuting herterogenous cluster

Consider a “family” structure where individuals in a cluster always have the opposite treatment.

Gender bias in teaching evaluations

The Economist, Sep 21, 2017

Gender bias in teaching evaluations

Gender bias in teaching evaluations

Innovative Higher Education, 40, pages 291–303 (2015).

Gender bias in teaching evaluations

Gender bias: MacNell data

Analysis goal

Want to know if the population average score for the perceived gender is different.

\[H_0: \mu_{ID.Female} = \mu_{ID.Male}\]

Although for the permutation test, under the null hypothesis not only are the means of the population distributions the same, but the variance and all other aspects of the distributions across perceived gender.

MacNell Data without permutation

macnell  |>
  select(overall, tagender, taidgender) 
# A tibble: 47 × 3
   overall tagender taidgender
     <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
 1       4        0          1
 2       4        0          1
 3       5        0          1
 4       5        0          1
 5       5        0          1
 6       4        0          1
 7       4        0          1
 8       5        0          1
 9       4        0          1
10       3        0          1
# ℹ 37 more rows

Permuting MacNell data

Conceptually, there are two levels of randomization:

  1. \(N_m\) students are randomly assigned to the male instructor and \(N_f\) are assigned to the female instructor.

  2. Of the \(N_j\) assigned to instructor \(j\), \(N_{jm}\) are told that the instructor is male, and \(N_{jf}\) are told that the instructor is female for \(j=m,f\).

macnell  |>
  group_by(tagender, taidgender)  |>
# A tibble: 4 × 3
# Groups:   tagender [2]
  tagender taidgender `n()`
     <dbl>      <dbl> <int>
1        0          0    11
2        0          1    12
3        1          0    13
4        1          1    11

Stratified two-sample test:

  • For each instructor, permute perceived gender assignments.
  • Use difference in mean ratings for female-identified vs male-identified instructors.

MacNell Data with permutation

macnell  |> 
  group_by(tagender)  |>
  mutate(permTAID = sample(taidgender, replace=FALSE))  |>
  select(overall, tagender, taidgender, permTAID) 
# A tibble: 47 × 4
# Groups:   tagender [2]
   overall tagender taidgender permTAID
     <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
 1       4        0          1        0
 2       4        0          1        0
 3       5        0          1        0
 4       5        0          1        1
 5       5        0          1        1
 6       4        0          1        1
 7       4        0          1        0
 8       5        0          1        0
 9       4        0          1        1
10       3        0          1        1
# ℹ 37 more rows

MacNell Data with permutation

macnell  |> 
  group_by(tagender)  |>
  mutate(permTAID = sample(taidgender, replace=FALSE))  |>
  ungroup(tagender)  |>
  group_by(permTAID)  |>
  summarize(pmeans = mean(overall, na.rm=TRUE))  |>
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1       -0.00216

MacNell Data with permutation

diff_means_func <- function(.x){
  macnell  |> group_by(tagender)  |>
  mutate(permTAID = sample(taidgender, replace=FALSE))  |>
  ungroup(tagender)  |>
  group_by(permTAID)  |>
  summarize(pmeans = mean(overall, na.rm=TRUE))  |>
  summarize(diff_mean = diff(pmeans))

map(1:5, diff_means_func) |> 
# A tibble: 5 × 1
1  -0.00652
2  -0.463  
3  -0.0909 
4   0.0952 
5   0.0952 

Observed vs. Permuted statistic

# observed
macnell  |> 
  group_by(taidgender)  |>
  summarize(pmeans = mean(overall, na.rm=TRUE))  |>
  summarize(diff_mean = diff(pmeans))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1     0.474
# permuted
reps = 1000
perm_diff_means <- map(1:reps, diff_means_func) |> 

MacNell Data with permutation

permutation sampling distribution:

# permutation p-value
perm_diff_means  |>
  summarize(p_val = 
      sum(diff_mean > 0.474) / 
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 0.048

MacNell results

Other Test Statistics

Data Hypothesis Question Statistic
2 categorical diff in prop \(\hat{p}_1 - \hat{p}_2\) or \(\chi^2\)
variables ratio of prop \(\hat{p}_1 / \hat{p}_2\)
1 numeric diff in means \(\overline{X}_1 - \overline{X}_2\)
1 binary ratio of means \(\overline{X}_1 / \overline{X}_2\)
diff in medians \(\mbox{median}_1 - \mbox{median}_2\)
ratio of medians \(\mbox{median}_1 / \mbox{median}_2\)
diff in SD \(s_1 - s_2\)
diff in var \(s^2_1 - s^2_2\)
ratio of SD or VAR \(s_1 / s_2\)
1 numeric diff in means \(\sum n_i (\overline{X}_i - \overline{X})^2\) or
k groups F stat
paired or (permute within row) \(\overline{X}_1 - \overline{X}_2\)
repeated measures
regression correlation least sq slope
time series no serial corr lag 1 autocross