
September 18, 2024

Jo Hardin

Agenda 9/18/24

  1. mapping

purrr for functional programming

functionals are functions that take function as input and return a vector / list / data frame as output.

  • alternatives to loops

  • a functional is better than a for loop is better than while is better than repeat (in terms of computing efficiency)


  • encourages function logic to be separated from iteration logic

  • can collapse into vectors/data frames easily


map() has (at least) two arguments, a data object and a function. It performs the function on each element of the data object and returns a list. We can also pass additional arguments into the function.

variations of map_ functions

The map functions are named by they output the produce. For example:

  • map(.x, .f) is the main mapping function and returns a list

  • map_dbl(.x, .f) returns a numeric (double) vector

  • map_chr(.x, .f) returns a character vector

  • map_lgl(.x, .f) returns a logical vector

Note that the first argument is always the data object and the second object is always the function you want to iteratively apply to each element in the input object.

map() in practice

map() variants (output)

triple <- function(x) x * 3
map(.x = c(1:3), .f = triple)
[1] 3

[1] 6

[1] 9
map_dbl(.x = c(1:3), .f = triple)
[1] 3 6 9
map_lgl (.x = c(1:3), .f = triple)
Error in `map_lgl()`:
ℹ In index: 1.
Caused by error:
! Can't coerce from a number to a logical.
map_lgl(.x = c(1, NA, 3), .f =

fastfood dataset from openintro

# A tibble: 515 × 17
   restaurant item      calories cal_fat total_fat sat_fat trans_fat cholesterol
   <chr>      <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 Mcdonalds  Artisan …      380      60         7       2       0            95
 2 Mcdonalds  Single B…      840     410        45      17       1.5         130
 3 Mcdonalds  Double B…     1130     600        67      27       3           220
 4 Mcdonalds  Grilled …      750     280        31      10       0.5         155
 5 Mcdonalds  Crispy B…      920     410        45      12       0.5         120
 6 Mcdonalds  Big Mac        540     250        28      10       1            80
 7 Mcdonalds  Cheesebu…      300     100        12       5       0.5          40
 8 Mcdonalds  Classic …      510     210        24       4       0            65
 9 Mcdonalds  Double C…      430     190        21      11       1            85
10 Mcdonalds  Double Q…      770     400        45      21       2.5         175
# ℹ 505 more rows
# ℹ 9 more variables: sodium <dbl>, total_carb <dbl>, fiber <dbl>, sugar <dbl>,
#   protein <dbl>, vit_a <dbl>, vit_c <dbl>, calcium <dbl>, salad <chr>

From TidyTuesday Fast food entree data on September 4, 2018.

Anonymous functions and shortcuts

  • use ~ to set a formula (when the function is neither a single name nor defined by function(...) { ...})
  • use .x to reference the input map(.x = ..., .f = )
map_dbl(.x = fastfood, .f = function(dog) mean(dog, na.rm = TRUE))
  restaurant         item     calories      cal_fat    total_fat      sat_fat 
          NA           NA  530.9126214  238.8135922   26.5902913    8.1533981 
   trans_fat  cholesterol       sodium   total_carb        fiber        sugar 
   0.4650485   72.4563107 1246.7378641   45.6640777    4.1371769    7.2621359 
     protein        vit_a        vit_c      calcium        salad 
  27.8910506   18.8571429   20.1704918   24.8524590           NA 
map_dbl(.x = fastfood,  .f = ~mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))
  restaurant         item     calories      cal_fat    total_fat      sat_fat 
          NA           NA  530.9126214  238.8135922   26.5902913    8.1533981 
   trans_fat  cholesterol       sodium   total_carb        fiber        sugar 
   0.4650485   72.4563107 1246.7378641   45.6640777    4.1371769    7.2621359 
     protein        vit_a        vit_c      calcium        salad 
  27.8910506   18.8571429   20.1704918   24.8524590           NA 
map_dbl(.x = fastfood, .f = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  restaurant         item     calories      cal_fat    total_fat      sat_fat 
          NA           NA  530.9126214  238.8135922   26.5902913    8.1533981 
   trans_fat  cholesterol       sodium   total_carb        fiber        sugar 
   0.4650485   72.4563107 1246.7378641   45.6640777    4.1371769    7.2621359 
     protein        vit_a        vit_c      calcium        salad 
  27.8910506   18.8571429   20.1704918   24.8524590           NA 
map_dbl(.x = fastfood, .f = mean)
  restaurant         item     calories      cal_fat    total_fat      sat_fat 
          NA           NA  530.9126214  238.8135922   26.5902913    8.1533981 
   trans_fat  cholesterol       sodium   total_carb        fiber        sugar 
   0.4650485   72.4563107 1246.7378641   45.6640777           NA    7.2621359 
     protein        vit_a        vit_c      calcium        salad 
          NA           NA           NA           NA           NA 

The same thing, many ways

Note that .x is the name of the first argument in map() (.f is the name of the second argument).

# the task
map_dbl(fastfood, function(x) length(unique(x)))
 restaurant        item    calories     cal_fat   total_fat     sat_fat 
          8         505         113         117          80          40 
  trans_fat cholesterol      sodium  total_carb       fiber       sugar 
         10          52         197         103          19          31 
    protein       vit_a       vit_c     calcium       salad 
         71          22          24          27           1 
map_dbl(fastfood, function(unicorn) length(unique(unicorn)))
 restaurant        item    calories     cal_fat   total_fat     sat_fat 
          8         505         113         117          80          40 
  trans_fat cholesterol      sodium  total_carb       fiber       sugar 
         10          52         197         103          19          31 
    protein       vit_a       vit_c     calcium       salad 
         71          22          24          27           1 
map_dbl(fastfood, ~length(unique(.x)))
 restaurant        item    calories     cal_fat   total_fat     sat_fat 
          8         505         113         117          80          40 
  trans_fat cholesterol      sodium  total_carb       fiber       sugar 
         10          52         197         103          19          31 
    protein       vit_a       vit_c     calcium       salad 
         71          22          24          27           1 
map_dbl(fastfood, ~length(unique(..1)))
 restaurant        item    calories     cal_fat   total_fat     sat_fat 
          8         505         113         117          80          40 
  trans_fat cholesterol      sodium  total_carb       fiber       sugar 
         10          52         197         103          19          31 
    protein       vit_a       vit_c     calcium       salad 
         71          22          24          27           1 
map_dbl(fastfood, ~length(unique(.)))
 restaurant        item    calories     cal_fat   total_fat     sat_fat 
          8         505         113         117          80          40 
  trans_fat cholesterol      sodium  total_carb       fiber       sugar 
         10          52         197         103          19          31 
    protein       vit_a       vit_c     calcium       salad 
         71          22          24          27           1 
# not the task
map_dbl(fastfood, length)
 restaurant        item    calories     cal_fat   total_fat     sat_fat 
        515         515         515         515         515         515 
  trans_fat cholesterol      sodium  total_carb       fiber       sugar 
        515         515         515         515         515         515 
    protein       vit_a       vit_c     calcium       salad 
        515         515         515         515         515 
map_dbl(fastfood, ~length)
Error in `map_dbl()`:
ℹ In index: 1.
ℹ With name: restaurant.
Caused by error:
! Can't coerce from a primitive function to a double.
map_dbl(fastfood, length(unique()))
Error in unique.default(): argument "x" is missing, with no default
map_dbl(fastfood, ~length(unique(x)))
Error in `map_dbl()`:
ℹ In index: 1.
ℹ With name: restaurant.
Caused by error in `.f()`:
! object 'x' not found

Two+ arguments to map()

map_*() variants (input)

We’ve already described the difference between the columns. Now we cover the difference between the rows.


  • map2_*() has two arguments, .x and .y
  • raise each value of .x to the power of 2
  .x = c(1:5), 
  .f = function(x) x ^ 2
[1]  1  4  9 16 25
  • raise each value .x to the power .y
  .x = c(1:5), 
  .y = c(2:6), 
  .f = ~ (.x ^ .y)
[1]     1     8    81  1024 15625


  • imap() is like map2()except that .y is derived from names(.x) if the data frame has names.

  • If not, .y is 1, 2, 3, … \(n\) where \(n\) is the number of items in .x. (A data frame has \(n\) columns.)

  • These two calls produce the same result

imap_chr(.x = fastfood, 
         .f = ~ paste(.y, "has a mean of", round(mean(.x), 1))) |> 
                    restaurant                           item 
 "restaurant has a mean of NA"        "item has a mean of NA" 
                      calories                        cal_fat 
"calories has a mean of 530.9"  "cal_fat has a mean of 238.8" 
                     total_fat                        sat_fat 
"total_fat has a mean of 26.6"    "sat_fat has a mean of 8.2" 
map2_chr(.x = fastfood, 
         .y = names(fastfood),
         .f = ~ paste(.y, "has a mean of", round(mean(.x), 1))) |> 
                    restaurant                           item 
 "restaurant has a mean of NA"        "item has a mean of NA" 
                      calories                        cal_fat 
"calories has a mean of 530.9"  "cal_fat has a mean of 238.8" 
                     total_fat                        sat_fat 
"total_fat has a mean of 26.6"    "sat_fat has a mean of 8.2" 


  • you can pass a named list or dataframe as arguments to a function

  • for example runif() has the parameters n, min and max

# A tibble: 3 × 3
      n   min   max
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     1    10
2     2    10   100
3     3   100  1000
pmap(params, runif)
[1] 2.73873

[1] 85.04640 45.96947

[1] 995.2112 795.4993 848.1803

Or use the pipe into pmap():

params |> 
[1] 8.939818

[1] 23.46412 76.92749

[1] 371.9280 383.2443 939.0926

An aside…

Interestingly, runif() will take either a scalar or a vector as its first argument. If the first argument is a vector, runif() will return N random uniforms, where N is the length of the vector.

runif(n = 3)
[1] 0.09236496 0.81811493 0.67393803
runif(n = c(1,3))
[1] 0.9760807 0.9619033
runif(n = c(10000,12321412424))
[1] 0.2820109 0.7234176
runif(n = c("rainbow", "unicorn"))
[1] 0.5759227 0.2740722

pmap() vs map()

Which means that the pmap() code will “work” in map() as well:

# A tibble: 3 × 3
      n   min   max
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     1    10
2     2    10   100
3     3   100  1000
params |> 
[1] 1.469497

[1] 17.65366 53.82516

[1] 731.8018 694.3993 437.2041
params |> 
[1] 0.8305385 0.9726618 0.1375558

[1] 0.6022372 0.1902841 0.2793412

[1] 0.64741388 0.61479420 0.03425299

pmap() with expand_grid()

  • I like to use expand_grid() when I want all possible parameter combinations.
expand_grid(n = c(1, 2, 3), 
            min = c(1, 10),
            max = c(10, 100)) 
# A tibble: 12 × 3
       n   min   max
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     1     1    10
 2     1     1   100
 3     1    10    10
 4     1    10   100
 5     2     1    10
 6     2     1   100
 7     2    10    10
 8     2    10   100
 9     3     1    10
10     3     1   100
11     3    10    10
12     3    10   100
expand_grid(n = c(1, 2, 3), 
            min = c(1, 10),
            max = c(10, 100)) |> 
[1] 6.517069

[1] 86.50864

[1] 10

[1] 83.90043

[1] 9.992817 9.707704

[1] 16.88014 86.41743

[1] 10 10

[1] 26.04401 55.13448

[1] 2.533845 4.766418 4.656678

[1] 50.37284 44.86050 42.86985

[1] 10 10 10

[1] 90.41263 63.59463 29.59359

mapping to a data frame

Would be great if the results were a data frame!

  • results as rows: map() |> list_rbind()
  • results as columns: map() |> list_cbind()
col_stats <- function(n) {
  head(fastfood, n) |> 
    summarise_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE) |> 
    mutate_all(floor) |> 
    mutate(n = paste("N =", n))
out1 <- map(c(10,20), col_stats)

# A tibble: 1 × 18
  restaurant  item calories cal_fat total_fat sat_fat trans_fat cholesterol
       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
1         NA    NA      657     291        32      11         1         116
# ℹ 10 more variables: sodium <dbl>, total_carb <dbl>, fiber <dbl>,
#   sugar <dbl>, protein <dbl>, vit_a <dbl>, vit_c <dbl>, calcium <dbl>,
#   salad <dbl>, n <chr>

# A tibble: 1 × 18
  restaurant  item calories cal_fat total_fat sat_fat trans_fat cholesterol
       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
1         NA    NA      582     247        27       9         0          99
# ℹ 10 more variables: sodium <dbl>, total_carb <dbl>, fiber <dbl>,
#   sugar <dbl>, protein <dbl>, vit_a <dbl>, vit_c <dbl>, calcium <dbl>,
#   salad <dbl>, n <chr>
out2 <- map(c(10,20), col_stats) |> list_rbind()

# A tibble: 2 × 18
  restaurant  item calories cal_fat total_fat sat_fat trans_fat cholesterol
       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
1         NA    NA      657     291        32      11         1         116
2         NA    NA      582     247        27       9         0          99
# ℹ 10 more variables: sodium <dbl>, total_carb <dbl>, fiber <dbl>,
#   sugar <dbl>, protein <dbl>, vit_a <dbl>, vit_c <dbl>, calcium <dbl>,
#   salad <dbl>, n <chr>
out3 <- map(c(10,20), col_stats) |> list_cbind()

# A tibble: 1 × 36
  restaurant...1 item...2 calories...3 cal_fat...4 total_fat...5 sat_fat...6
           <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>         <dbl>       <dbl>
1             NA       NA          657         291            32          11
# ℹ 30 more variables: trans_fat...7 <dbl>, cholesterol...8 <dbl>,
#   sodium...9 <dbl>, total_carb...10 <dbl>, fiber...11 <dbl>,
#   sugar...12 <dbl>, protein...13 <dbl>, vit_a...14 <dbl>, vit_c...15 <dbl>,
#   calcium...16 <dbl>, salad...17 <dbl>, n...18 <chr>, restaurant...19 <dbl>,
#   item...20 <dbl>, calories...21 <dbl>, cal_fat...22 <dbl>,
#   total_fat...23 <dbl>, sat_fat...24 <dbl>, trans_fat...25 <dbl>,
#   cholesterol...26 <dbl>, sodium...27 <dbl>, total_carb...28 <dbl>, …